Automated Fruit Blemish Detection and Sorting Automation for a Spanish Agricultural Firm


  • A Spanish agricultural company wanted to be able to automatically detect grades for oranges using image processing to identify colour.
  • The company needed unique hardware using a camera interface logic to run a sorting algorithm.
  • The system needed to bring individual oranges into the frames of multiple cameras at the same time.
  • Having graded each orange, the system would need to send the fruit to its respective container.

Xpertnest’s Solutions

  • Xpertnest developed a conveyer belt system to bring the oranges into frame.
  • Designed and developed a processor to implement a sorting algorithm.
  • The algorithm detected blemishes and differentiated between yellow and green skin.
  • Enabled the possibility of future improvements with higher end processors, optimised algorithms, and a better camera module.

Value Delivered

  • Increased the accuracy and efficiency of orange sorting.
  • Generated more revenue by delivering high quality fruit to the juice-making industry.
  • The automation helped reducing manual labour costs.

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