Conversion of single entry bookkeeping to double entry accounting of Government Municipal corporation, Corporation & Nagar Palika
Single entry records are available so only from partial entry we have to complete accounting in double entry system.
Complex Accounting of different department of the corporation with different cost center. (E.G – water works department having expenses of salary, vehicles, Drainage department , Fire & Safety department, road and civil work department having same expenditure like salary, etc.)
Complex H.R. management (Different department having different staff with categorization of class 1 to class 4 officer with different rule for leave, pension and other retirement benefit)
Poorest records are maintained by client
Xpertnest’s Solutions
We have scrutinized all the document and categorized them in to different category (Based on different Cost center)
Data refining .
Accounting of the financial information in computer software
Customized solution for HR Management
Financial analytics provided from final accounting.
Detection of unutilized fund and pilferage.
Value Delivered
Saving of fund & interest cost, detection of unutilized amount.
Complete financial records from raw data.
Based on complete financial record detail analytics & Reporting
Improved funding and increased savings by identifying idle funds.
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